Transform your client relationships
through the simple act of appreciation
Our global culture has seen a massive shift in the last few years. Society has become less fixated on the bottom line, and more invested in the quality of the relationships we develop. In a world that is becoming increasingly empathetic, the best thing you can do for your clients is to show them that you truly care. We work with organizations who want to create deeper, more genuine connections at scale.
Use Appreciation
To Grow Your Organization
But There’s a Problem:
Most companies spend so much time hunting down new leads, they entirely neglect nurturing their existing relationships. We understand that client retention can feel like an overwhelming process to take on; we have developed our system in order to provide you with a repeatable, scalable action plan that will deliver satisfaction, increase referral rates, and create an environment of mutual respect and appreciation.
1) Psychology of Business Appreciation:
Businesses are built on interpersonal connections and relationships, and research shows human needs center on connection, purpose, and worthiness. We make sure that when you appreciate by gifting, emotional connections are created when the gifts are used. Without it, most just send gifts and smile, wondering why they didn’t drive more business.
2) 3D Relationship Accelerator™:
Your custom annual roadmap on how to turn appreciation into a revenue generating asset. We organize revenue driving relationships, then optimize when to appreciate them for maximum ROI, then pick the gifts, help create messaging, and fulfill them. Without it, you’re running around re-actively instead of proactively taking care of your revenue generating relationships!
3) Sustainable and Scalable Systems:
How you maximize lifetime revenue of your relationships. We help advise on a CRM retention strategy, sustainable budgeting, and how to maximize how long a client stays, contract amounts, and how many referrals they send. Without them, you might get some referrals…but you won’t know why, how, or how to get more.
Ongoing Client Onboarding
Aligning Existing Relationships to Help You Grow
Turning Your Referrals on Like a Faucet
Top Grade & Capturing More Market Share With Partners
Quarterly Business Analysis of Revenue, Referrals, & Lead Sources
Business development campaign strategies
Quarterly Planning
Optimal Timing for Max Impact
Your vision doesn’t have to be compromised by the constant pressure of obtaining new business. As a company that stands for sincere gratitude, you will create deeper connections with your clients, have more opportunities to fulfill your mission as a business, and obtain more referrals who will be excited to work with you.
Hear From Our Raving Fans
“We’re experiencing a 320% annual increase in referrals, have closed almost 50% of our referrals, and our clients are calling us instead of us reaching out to them. I was skeptical to invest more into my retention and referral strategy through business gifts, but our investment into an annual retention strategy paid for itself and increased revenue in only four months!”
Rod KinneyK&G Capital Mortgage
“The thing that stands out to me most is James’ real deep understanding of how people perceive information. How they onboard everything…His ability to ask the right questions is the skill set that I’ve appreciated the most. He has been able to move my business so much further along and drive engagement with my clients. It’s so beyond the gift itself!”
Michael DiamondIgKnight The King
“It was a pleasure meeting you last year and purchasing products for give aways to my clients and potential clients. I was very impressed with your professionalism and with the follow up after the purchase. The engraved divot fixers have been a big hit. My best regards to you.”
J. Grady RandleRandle Law Office LTD., L.L.P
Build Loyalty and Grow Raving Fans
We Believe:
-Good products or services are bare minimum to staying in business
-People do business with those they know, like, and trust
-Retention and referrals are a by-product of engagement
-Millions are lost in lack of follow up. Organizations often have plans to acquire relationships, but few have plans to retain or grow them!
Through appreciation, you can show your clients they are worth more to you than a revenue stream. We use tangible appreciation to create connection and a sense of purpose to show your people how much they mean. Partner with us to leverage gratitude as a competitive advantage that ensures your people want to stay with you for the long run.
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